Ball – You – Basket
Defensive position with our body is in a straight line between the offensive player and the basket, with a slight emphasis of a no middle stance from the slots and the corners. Up top, no slight emphasis.Continue Reading
Defensive position with our body is in a straight line between the offensive player and the basket, with a slight emphasis of a no middle stance from the slots and the corners. Up top, no slight emphasis.Continue Reading
Inside hand is in, keep our chest on the opponent’s shoulder. Turn and run if necessary. Eat up the airspace on the retreat dribble.Continue Reading
All defenders on the ball or off the ball should always have and maintain high and active hands.Continue Reading
Disrupt timing of the offensive player to take them out of their normal timing/rhythm.Continue Reading
On contests, make sure you are staying down on shot fakes and are the second off the floor.Continue Reading