The 1-3-1 defense is a defensive strategy commonly used in basketball. It is characterized by the positioning of players on the court, with one defender at the top of the…
In basketball, the "1-4 set" is an offensive formation or play commonly used to create scoring opportunities. It refers to the positioning of players on the court. Let's break it…
Protects the basket.
Allowing the defender to take the lane without touching an offensive player or cleansing themselves.
The idea is to get in front of the offence player in the post arm and exterior.
The 5-out offense in basketball is a strategic offensive system that involves positioning all five players on the perimeter, outside of the three-point line. In this formation, there are no…
When a basketball player shoots the basketball and the shot misses the goal and backboard entirely.
A pass from one player to the other where the receiver of the pass catches the ball while jumping and finishes while in the air.
A rule in which teams take turns possessing the ball after stopped plays.
A pass from one player to the other that leads directly to a score.
Area of the court farthest from the offensive team's goal.
Backcourt is also a rule that stipulates that once the offensive team crosses half court with the basketball, the offensive team…
After crossing the half court line, the offensive team can not go back cross the half court line. Doing so will result in a violation and the opposing team being…
A player approaches quickly from behind a defender toward the basket.
Anybody on the perimeter, corners or above the break, first three steps sprint back on the raise of the shot.
An offensive player moves away from the basket to set a screen for teammate.
The surface to which the basket is mounted.
Defensive position with our body is in a straight line between the offensive player and the basket, with a slight emphasis of a no middle stance from the slots and…
To fake a pass or shot.
The ball bounces off the backboard and into the basket.
the boundary lines extending across both ends of the court behind the baskets.
A player passes the ball single-handedly to a cutter advancing toward the basket.
The scoring goal attached to the backboard and is comprised of a metal rim from which a corded net hangs.
A dribble from one hand to the other behind the back.
A pass made behind the body.
A dribble between the legs from one hand to the other.
A shot deflected on its way to the basket.
Using the body to block an opponent.
Also called "one-on-one"; a free-throw awarded a team whose opponent exceeds the number of fouls allowed in a half.
A pass is deflected off the floor before being received by a team player.
In an attempt to block an opponent and set up rebound opportunities, a defense player gets between a teammate and the basket.
In basketball, a box set refers to a common offensive formation or play where players position themselves in a specific arrangement on the court. The box set formation typically involves…
Palming the basketball or turning it over in the palm of a players hands.
Also called "palming"; an illegal dribbling of the ball with both hands at the same time, turning the ball over in your hands, or placing the hands underneath the ball…
A position on the basketball court. Usually the tallest player on the basketball team. The job description is to rebound, block shots and score. The position has revolved into being…
Slowing down and speeding up dribble to get past an opponent.
An offensive player fouls by illegally contacting a stationary defense player.
Inside hand in – be physical – bump them with your chest.
Player making a pass from his chest to the chest of another player.
After receiving a rebound, the ball is under the chin with elbows and fingers pointing up.
Creating an isolation for a player on the floor.
Versus driver or non-shooter closeout – contest second – no dare shots.
Closeout to top shoulder taking away angle for middle drive.
A continuity offense in basketball is a strategic offensive system that emphasizes continuous movement and flow to create scoring opportunities. It is designed to maintain a structured offensive rhythm, regardless…
Rebounding the ball more than the opposing team.
The floor upon which the game of basketball is played.
When the big goes to trap the box, bottom man sinks to take away interior pass.
A lateral advance to set up a screen.
A front-of-the-body dribble from one hand to the other.
Used when the defender is behind the cutter, an offensive player cuts off a screen and heads toward the basket.
A quick advance by the offense toward a position to shoot or receive the ball.