2. Diet Without giving a specific diet to follow, most of what you eat should have fueling and healing properties. If it doesn’t, its probably doing the opposite. Continue Reading
2. Diet Without giving a specific diet to follow, most of what you eat should have fueling and healing properties. If it doesn’t, its probably doing the opposite. Continue Reading
Every athlete gets hurt. Its just part of the deal. Injuries can come and go (usually come) over the course of the season and gather up over the course of a career. High school, college and professional team training staffs are at the gym longer than coaching staffs. Whats theContinue Reading
5. Load Management Understanding of the human body has changed. Long term, sports tend to break the body down and unfortunately seasons have not shortened as we’ve gotten smarter. Parents and players have to be smarter as to how much they play, even if that means sitting out without anContinue Reading
4. Regular Maintenance Like a car, the body of an athlete requires regular maintenance. Band work, massages etc. are great for preventing injury and/or keeping chronic injury under control.Continue Reading
1. Sleep The absolute best thing that you can do for injuries and maintenance is sleep. Sleeping shuts off the body and recharges and rebuilds cells. Cells are the core of who we are. Continue Reading
3. Yoga Here’s what we know. People who participate in Yoga have a better quality of life. For athletes with tight bodies and high stress levels, Yoga can elongate muscle fibers thereby lowering the risk of injury and promotes the healing process. Continue Reading