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Shooting The Ball Is Essential

When I look at players, the first thing that tends to jump out at is whether or not the player can shoot. The origins of basketball start with the ability to shoot. The players who can shoot the ball tend to play the longest and are the most fun to play with.

There are many keys in becoming a great shooter.

  • Understanding that you have to shoot at least 400-500 shots a day. Minimum.
  • Having a wide, strong  base when you shoot.
  • Finding a form that is comfortable and sticking with it.
  • Including both hands in the follow through and holding it until the ball goes through the basket.

There is a lot more that goes into shooting, but those are the keys. Art doesn’t stop there. These skills have to be transferred to in-game play. Catching and shooting is the option that players have most often in a game. Shooting on the move or using screens would be the next skill that a player should build. Lastly, shooting off of the dribble. This is without question the hardest to master.

“Your coach will have you on the floor more often than not and your teammates will look to get you shots.” 

There are many ways to have an impact on the game of basketball. There have been legendary passers and rebounders, but they are few and far between. If you are a player and want to add value to yourself, become a shooter. You will have a longer career. Your speed and athleticism will start to decline at some point. Also being a good shooter will allow you to not have to work as hard on the offensive end of the floor. Your coach will have you on the floor more often than not and your teammates will look to get you shots.

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