We’ve talked about having a GO-move series (triple threat) and its importance. I want to go further in depth about the dribble portion 1/3 of the triple threat. There are only two ways to score in offensive basketball; catch and off the bounce (starting with dribbling the ball to attack). Dribbling the ball comesContinue Reading

Watching sports at the amateur level should be a lot of fun. Coaches constructing teams, & schemes. Kids are trying out for local, travel & AAU teams. I would like to believe that parents are “happy” to watch kids play in a competitive environment. Not true. I started writing thisContinue Reading

In the game of basketball, there is one ball to be shared amongst five players. In The Origins Basketball Dr James Naismith developed a basketball with laces that wasn’t conducive for dribbling. The original rules stated that you could not move from your spot on the court forcing everyone toContinue Reading

College basketball coaches sit and watch basketball tournaments discussing players. Height, weight, body build, hand size are some of the physical attributes coaches evaluate. His or her Academics. The final question is always about his or her parents.   Several college coaches have said they prefer not to recruit playersContinue Reading

The toughness of an athlete is what matters most in sport. Most coaches and recruiters will tell you that. That level of toughness is what helps teams win in basketball. So, what is toughness in basketball exactly? The first commonality is the most obvious and that is the physical toughness.Continue Reading

Basketball beginings are different than other sports. It’s pretty clear that Dr. James Naismith developed the game of basketball. Naismith was born in 1861 in Ramsay township, Ontario, Canada. He graduated as a physician at McGill University in Montreal and was primarily interested in sports physiology. In 1891, while working asContinue Reading