Slavery in almost every situation is about commerce. According to the trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, 2.5 million slaves were shipped to the U.S. That’s probably a conservative number. Sports can harbor some of the same ideologies. In FIBA and FIFA, players can be sold to other teams. European kids areContinue Reading

Maya Moore opting to not play and focus on social injustice. Football players like Ryan Clark talk about how racism and prejudice have affected he and his family. Tom Brady post a pic of George Floyd. Drew Brees started in with the argument that the flag was being disrespected, butContinue Reading

Colin Kaepernick was right. The unwarranted killing of unarmed people of color at the hands of the police is out of control. Taking a knee to bring attention to the matter was the right thing to do. Three years later another unarmed African American man is killed over a counterfeitContinue Reading

Slavery in almost every situation is about commerce. According to the trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, 2.5 million slaves were shipped to the U.S. That’s probably a conservative number. Sports can harbor some of the same ideologies. In FIBA and FIFA, players can be sold to other teams. European kids areContinue Reading

In the summer of 2013, I watched the NBA summer. Milwaukee was playing. They has just drafted a skinny 6’9″ African kid from Greece. He didn’t look Greek to me but whatever I thought as I kept watching. They were playing him as a lead guard and he was makingContinue Reading

Watching film of Paige Buekers 2020 is amazing. Her ball skills are on point. Her shooting stroke is tight and consistent. With all of that being said, passing is probably her best attribute. Her overall crafty play will keep her on a basketball court for the next 20 years.  In BuekersContinue Reading

The toughness of an athlete is what matters most in sport. Most coaches and recruiters will tell you that. That level of toughness is what helps teams win in basketball. So, what is toughness in basketball exactly? The first commonality is the most obvious and that is the physical toughness.Continue Reading