Joel Embiid: Revolution or Evolution
Early life Joel Embiid, born on March 16, 1994, in Yaoundé, Cameroon, has emerged as one of the most dominant and versatile players in the NBA. His playing career is marked by a remarkable journey from Cameroon to becoming a cornerstone for the Philadelphia 76ers. This essay explores the keyContinue Reading
Bobby Knight’s Success In The Unacceptable
Bob Knight had an extraordinarily checkered career as a head coach. With his death, former players came out in support of him. As a kid growing up in Chicago, Knight was looked at as an unyielding disciplinarian who had an unwavering commitment to winning. However, there is another side toContinue Reading
What Happened To The Turn Around Jumpshot?
The turn around jumpshot is a fundamental and iconic move in the game of basketball. Facing away from the basket, pivoting on one foot, and executing a quick, smooth jumpshot in one fluid motion. The history of the turn around jumpshot can be traced back to the early days ofContinue Reading
Three Things You Need To Know As A Young Player
Every so often we need to make sure that players understand that there are three simple components of offensive basketball; Shooting, passing and dribbling. When looked at simply, the game of basketball comes easier. Shooting should be is the easiest The belief is that any time your open, within yourContinue Reading
Be Coachable
This summer I’ve spent a lot of time in work out facilities watching the next generation of athletes prepare for the upcoming season. Before the summer started, I would have bet that the players are different in that they don’t work hard. What I’ve found is that the parents areContinue Reading
Handle The College Workload
Student-athletes are more like athlete-students. Universities in the United States have found a way to get athletes to believe that they should be able to maintain academic excellence all the while performing at a high level on the playing field. I argue that the likelihood of being able to accomplishContinue Reading
Play With Toughness
The toughness of an athlete is what matters most in sport. Most coaches and recruiters will tell you that. That level of toughness is what helps teams win in basketball. So, what is toughness in basketball exactly? The first commonality is the most obvious and that is the physical toughness.Continue Reading
Defend Effectively In Basketball
Fair or not, recruitable basketball players are being identified earlier than ever before. The RUN Sports basketball recruiting service, like many others, identifies boys and girls who can play at a high level. Almost all these services cater to the players who excel on the offensive side of the ball. Most basketball trainers, grass roots,Continue Reading
Basketball Play Off Of The Bounce
We’ve talked about having a GO-move series (triple threat) and its importance. I want to go further in depth about the dribble portion 1/3 of the triple threat. There are only two ways to score in offensive basketball; catch and off the bounce (starting with dribbling the ball to attack). Dribbling the ball comesContinue Reading
Becoming A Great Passer
In the game of basketball, there is one ball to be shared amongst five players. In The Origins Basketball Dr James Naismith developed a basketball with laces that wasn’t conducive for dribbling. The original rules stated that you could not move from your spot on the court forcing everyone toContinue Reading
Shooting The Ball Is Essential
When I look at players, the first thing that tends to jump out at is whether or not the player can shoot. The origins of basketball start with the ability to shoot. The players who can shoot the ball tend to play the longest and are the most fun toContinue Reading
Simple Way To Offensive Basketball
I’ve spent a lot of time on Youtube looking at videos of basketball trainers. Some of the trainers are good. Others not so much. I see a lot tricks with cones and tennis balls. Lots of gidgets and gadgets. Very few of them are teaching the offensive portion of theContinue Reading
Passing Greatness
Watching the Eastern Conference finals game 3 between the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Boston Celtics and listening to LeBron James post game press conference about his passing brought back memories. It brought back memories of when I realised that LeBron wasn’t a regular 6’3 basketball player. It reminded me ofContinue Reading
Be The Best Basketball Parent
Watching sports at the amateur level should be a lot of fun. Coaches constructing teams, & schemes. Kids are trying out for local, travel & AAU teams. I would like to believe that parents are “happy” to watch kids play in a competitive environment. Not true. I started writing thisContinue Reading
Deadly Drugs:Social Media & Fame
Purdue Pharma led the 21st century in the rise of painkiller abuse, which ultimately led to a catastrophic increase in addicts, fatal overdoses, and blighted communities. Similarly, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other media outlets are causing addictions, sports as we know them. High schoolers and collegiate athletes are posting their lifestylesContinue Reading