Shooting is the most fundamental part of basketball. This crossword is one that highlights some of the greatest shooters in NBA history. For taking the time to read this, here is a freebee; Calvin Murphy is one of the answers.Continue Reading

Emoni Bates can absolutely play basketball. It seems as though the wheels are coming off of his career though. He is currently at Eastern Michigan playing on a bad team, getting the opportunity to develop. He’s also not playing well overall, but shows flashes of greatness. Most basketball pundits haveContinue Reading

Every so often we need to make sure that players understand that there are three simple components of offensive basketball; Shooting, passing and dribbling. When looked at simply, the game of basketball comes easier. Shooting should be is the easiest The belief is that any time your open, within yourContinue Reading

There are many reasons that the game of basketball has become the second most popular game in the world, trailing only soccer. Factors like low cost to participate and easy access to basketball courts help that cause. The ability to enjoy the game alone or in a group also playContinue Reading

The lead forward position has spawned into a super position. Lifting the big from the block to the perimeter has revolutionised the game. The job description of this position is simple. Cover ground offensively and defensively. Shoot the cover off the ball. Block shots. Handle the ball like a guard.Continue Reading